
Bal Sabha (Children's Forum)

Student enjoy Bal Sabha

Chetna Xth presenting speech in Bal Sabha

Bal Sabha forces the children to cultivate their minds through dialogue. Children are encouraged to articulate their thoughts and feelings freely and to respect differing points of view on various topics. This program is conducted and managed by the children themselves!
Objectives of Bal Sabha :
• To encourage children to recognize their potentials/talents and express the same
• To develop communication skills
• To enable children to develop their self confidence
• To develop a sense of bond and 'we' feeling amongst the children
• To generate an awareness amongst the children on issues related to their lives (e.g. in the first 'gathering', we had children debating on the topic "Should children work?")
• To develop leadership among the children especially those holding the posts of president, Vice President and Secretary and equip them with the knowledge and skills to conduct the Bal Sabha on their own.

Eco Club

" It is the human earth that we defile,
Our hells of fore and dust outrage the innocence
of air that is everywhere our own.............'

Winner of Chart Making

Participation in Chart Making

The Eco-club was set up in the year 2004 with 34 members from various classes. The club has been trying to create awareness among the people as well as students about their immediate envioronment and environmental issues. It also successfully celebrates various programmes every year to improvise the ailing condition of the environment.The members are also engaged in various social activities like helping the poor children who are in orphanages, planting trees on the places where deforestation is taking place.
Finance: The club is granted Rs 2500 every year by the Punjab state authority to carry out all the programmes. It is the members and the Administrator who bear the extra expences to keep the club afloat. Money never becomes an obstacle for the club because the school believes "To do a work we don't need a huge amount of money but sincerity, commitment and dedication"
Achievements: Though the motive of the club is to create a better world for our next generation.

Legal Literacy Club

    Keeping in view the energy and talent of the students in school, the Legal Literacy Clubs/ Legal Aid Clubs are being set up in school for disseminating information about the legal aid programmes and to create legal awareness amongst the masses. The Members of the Legal Literacy Clubs are to identify the problems of their fellow citizens in their neighbourhood and to bring the needy and the disadvantaged persons accessible to justice. The Members of the Legal Literacy Clubs will be briefed from time to time by the District Legal Services Authorities / Mandal Legal Services Committees along with salient features of important laws and about the modus operandi of legal services, pre-litigation settlement of disputes, lok Adalats and ADR etc.

    The Legal Literacy Clubs headed by  Teachers as the case may be. Each Legal Literacy Club consists of 25 members students.
    The Club Members identify the persons in their neighborhood who deserve legal aid and who are in need of protecting their rights conferred by the laws. The Club Members may bring the persons in need of legal services to the nearest Legal Services Authority/Committee.
    The Legal Services Authority / Committee will provide necessary legal assistance / advice as per Rules.
    The Legal Services Authority / Committee evaluates work done by the Legal Literacy Clubs from time to time.
    The general public can avail the assistance and service of the Members of the Legal Literacy Clubs in their respective areas. The services of the Legal Literacy Clubs is to guide the public for availing legal services and to redress their grievances if any at pre-litigation stage itself or even before the Courts as may be advised. The services of Legal Literacy Clubs is at free of cost.

Adulescence Education Program

Mr. Mohan Lal S.S. Master Presenting view about AEP

Mr. Sukhvinder Pal Punjabi Master given knowledge about Adulsecence

Dr. Tarminder Kaur  given information  about Adulsecence

Mr. Dinesh Kumar H.M. Presenting view about AEP

Chef Guest

Parents,Teacher and Students in AEP Function

With an aim to equip every adolescent (child between 15-19 years) with scientific information and life skills to protect themselves from HIV infections and empower them to manage their concerns pertaining to Reproductive and Sexual Health, the State AIDS Control Society, Chandigarh will launch 'Adolescence Education Programme (AEP)' in all High and Senior Secondary Schools. Initially, it will be implemented in 9th and 11th class for minimum of 16 hours in coming academic session.
The 16 hour Adolescence Education Programme will include 4 sessions: a passage from childhood to adolescence; adolescence, reproductive and sexual health; mental health and substance use; and life skills and HIV prevention.
Teachers will implement this programme as a key intervention to empower adolescents to deal with risky situations and prevent new HIV infections. They will be equipped to deal with substance abuse and problems related to mental health.